Re: Making 2 constructor templates that differ only by enable_if; variadic argument extension to the previous question

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Wed, 9 Nov 2011 12:50:40 -0800 (PST)
On 2011-11-09 00:51, Daryle Walker wrote:

On Nov 7, 4:12 am, Daniel Kr?gler<>


I don't see a problem for doing this as part of the constructor
templates constraints as well, just extend the enable_if test above.

There's a special form of the sizeof operator, right? So it could be:

std::enable_if<(S/R>= 1 + sizeof...(U)), bool>::type = true


But maybe a run-time error would be better.

I don't see why, but you need to decide.

And can this system work if we let
also let R (along with U) vary for all objects in a list? (We would
need to sum up all the R values for a length check.)

I'm not sure whether I really understand this particular question, but
it sounds as if this could work as well.

I'm thinking of something like:

     template<typename U0, unsigned R0,
       typename ... U, unsigned ... R
     MyType( MyType<U0,R0> const&o0, MyType<U,R> const& ...o );

Can the variadic stuff work on non-type template arguments (...R

Sure. Why not?

Even if yes, will the compiler pluck match the corresponding
elements of U and R, i.e. the second argument will use the first
element of U and the first element of R, the third argument will use
the second element of U and the second element of R, etc.?

I have no idea, what "pluck match" means, but from the remainder of your
description I would say: Yes, this is how pack expansions are designed
to work.

(BTW, this
means that U and R must be of the same length.)

How could it be different here? The templates parameters are deduced
here, so the result can never end in different lengths for U... and R...

Can the lengths be
checked at compile time (R0 + Sum(elements of R)<= S), or would this
have to be checked at run-time?

This can easily be done during compile-time as well, e.g.

#include <type_traits>

template<unsigned... Rs>
struct sum_all;

struct sum_all<> : std::integral_constant<unsigned, 0> {};

template<unsigned R1, unsigned... Rs>
struct sum_all<R1, Rs...> : std::integral_constant<unsigned, R1 +
sum_all<Rs...>::value> {};

template<class T, unsigned S>
struct MyType {
  template <typename U0, unsigned R0,
    typename ... U, unsigned ... R,
    typename std::enable_if<(sum_all<R0, R...>::value <= S),
decltype(nullptr)>::type = nullptr
  MyType( MyType<U0,R0> const &o0, MyType<U,R> const& ...o );

[Just for fun I replaced the non-type template parameter, but that is no
required step]

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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