Re: Dos and don'ts in C++ unit testing?

"James Kanze" <>
Mon, 19 Feb 2007 12:36:53 CST
Francis Glassborow wrote:

In article <>, James
Kanze <> writes

That's one way of doing it. Although I think you often have to
group them: it's hard to test a setter without having written
the getter, and vice versa.

True, but if I write such pairs of functions I start questioning my
design (sometimes it is fine, but often it is a symptom of limited

It depends on the application, but that particular pair was only
meant as an example. The point is that many functions do
"group" in some way; that the results of one function depend on
other functions. In fact, I'd also say that if any of the
functions in a class are independant, I'd start questioning the
design; it might be that I really should be using several
different classes.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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