Re: A simple unit test framework
On May 5, 1:56 am, Ian Collins <> wrote:
Pete Becker wrote:
anon wrote:
Pete Becker wrote:
You can't do coverage analysis or any other form of white-box testing
on code that hasn't been written. There is a big difference between a
tester's minset and a develper's mindset, and it's very hard for one
person to do both.
The latest trends are to write tests first which demonstrates the
requirements, then code (classes+methods). In this case you will not
have to do a coverage, but it is a plus.
That's not what coverage analysis refers to. Coverage analysis takes the
test cases that you've written and measures (speaking a bit informally)
how much of the code is actually tested by the test set. You can't make
that measurement until you've written the code.
If you apply TDD correctly, you only write code to pass tests, so all of
your code is covered.
Yes, but nobody but an idiot would pay you for such a thing.
Thread safety, to site but the most obvious example, isn't
testable, so you just ignore it?
My customers want to know what the code will do, and how much
development will cost, before they allocate the resources to
develope it. Which means that I have a requirements
specification which has to be met.
James Kanze (Gabi Software) email:
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