Re: determine if a type is a free function pointer

Fei Liu <>
Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:01:06 -0400
Kai-Uwe Bux wrote:

Barry wrote:

Kai-Uwe Bux wrote:

[many lines]

Good job,

boost.is_function seems to do hard coding to meet possible function
argument list length.

Makes me wonder whether there is a bug in my code. I wouldn't be surprised.

though is_function checks function not pointer to function.
with a wrapper this should also work with function check.

template <class T>
struct is_function
     static const bool value = is_function_pointer<T*>::value;

   SHOW_BOOL( is_function<int(int)>::value );
   SHOW_BOOL( is_function<int(int, int)>::value );
   SHOW_BOOL( is_function<int(*)(int)>::value );
   SHOW_BOOL( is_function<int(*)(int, int)>::value );

I actually think that the code needs some cleanup and that testing for being
a function is simpler than testing for being a function pointer. So, I
changed it the other way around. Here are the versions I added to my

// is_class_type
// =============

  template < typename T >
  class is_class_type {

    typedef char (&yes) [1];
    typedef char (&no) [2];

    template < typename S >
    static yes check ( int S::* );

    template < typename S >
    static no check ( ... );


    static bool const value = ( sizeof( check<T>( 0 ) ) == sizeof(yes) );

  }; // is_class_type

// is_pointer_type:
// ================

  struct unused_type {};

  template < typename T >
  struct is_pointer_type {
    static const bool value = false;
    typedef unused_type pointee_type;
  template < typename T >
  struct is_pointer_type<T*> {
    static const bool value = true;
    typedef T pointee_type;

// is_function_type
// ================

  template < typename T >
  class is_function_type {
    typedef char (&no) [1];
    typedef char (&yes) [2];
    template < typename S >
    yes check ( S * );
    template < typename S >
    no check ( ... );
    static bool const value =
      ( ! is_class_type<T>::value )
      ( sizeof( check<T>( * (T*)(0) ) )== sizeof( yes ) );

// is_function_pointer
// ===================
  template < typename T >
  struct is_function_pointer {
    static bool const value =
      ( is_pointer_type<T>::value
        is_function_type< typename is_pointer_type<T>::pointee_type >::value );

Note that the template is_function_type<> does not need the
is_pointer_type<> template. That is why I think that is_function_type<> is
conceptually simpler than is_function_pointer<> and my reason to prefer
this implementation to the previous one.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Hmm...are you positive that your implemention meets my requirement?
There are 2 problems after I test run your typetraits implementation:

! is_pointer_type<int>::value = true
is_pointer_type<non_fct_ptr>::value = true
is_pointer_type<fct_ptr>::value = true
is_function_pointer<fct_ptr>::value = true
! is_function_pointer<non_fct_ptr>::value = true <----------- wrong
! is_function_pointer<fct_ptr4>::value = false <----------- wrong

// is_class_type
// =============

   template < typename T >
   class is_class_type {

     typedef char (&yes) [1];
     typedef char (&no) [2];

     template < typename S >
     static yes check ( int S::* );

     template < typename S >
     static no check ( ... );


     static bool const value = ( sizeof( check<T>( 0 ) ) == sizeof(yes) );

   }; // is_class_type

// is_pointer_type:
// ================

   struct unused_type {};

   template < typename T >
   struct is_pointer_type {

     static const bool value = false;

     typedef unused_type pointee_type;


   template < typename T >
   struct is_pointer_type<T*> {

     static const bool value = true;

     typedef T pointee_type;


// is_function_type
// ================

   template < typename T >
   class is_function_type {

     typedef char (&no) [1];
     typedef char (&yes) [2];

     template < typename S >
     yes check ( S * );

     template < typename S >
     no check ( ... );


     static bool const value =
       ( ! is_class_type<T>::value )
       ( sizeof( check<T>( * (T*)(0) ) )== sizeof( yes ) );


// is_function_pointer
// ===================

   template < typename T >
   struct is_function_pointer {

     static bool const value =
       ( is_pointer_type<T>::value
         is_function_type< typename is_pointer_type<T>::pointee_type
 >::value );


typedef int (*fct_ptr) ( int, int );
typedef int * non_fct_ptr;
typedef void (*fct_ptr4)(int, int, int, int);

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#define SHOW_BOOL(expr) \
   std::cout << #expr << " = " << std::boolalpha << (expr) << '\n';

int main ( void ) {
   SHOW_BOOL( ! is_pointer_type<int>::value );
   SHOW_BOOL( is_pointer_type<non_fct_ptr>::value );
   SHOW_BOOL( is_pointer_type<fct_ptr>::value );
   SHOW_BOOL( is_function_pointer<fct_ptr>::value );
   SHOW_BOOL( ! is_function_pointer<non_fct_ptr>::value );
   SHOW_BOOL( ! is_function_pointer<fct_ptr4>::value );

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