Re: Navigation and understanding problems with C++ code, Please help
On Feb 11, 4:01 pm, wrote:
Experts & Beginners,
I'm definitely not an expert, but believe that can become one
day....and the journey has already started....and here is a
possible milestone, if you guys can help.
I work for a company that has a very nice embedded product,
and I have been involved in system design and testing for this
product. Now, I am trying to get some understanding of
software, which is a model-based C+ + software. It is
developed using Rhapsody. My question is: I am not able to
follow the huge code with several packages and libraries with
accurate understanding since I have not written it. I am
confused by the syntax and naming rules. I tried to find some
details on how people (programmers) name structures, classes
(special type of classes), objects, constructors, destructors,
functions,..etc., and how to navigate between different parts
of the code to follow the implemented logic...but has no luck
so far.
Can anyone help me how I should dive into this? How you did
when you were a beginner and had faced similar situation? I
believe, all I need is some guidance that can save me
wondering around the code files.
Most design tools have back-engineering options: Rose, Together,
etc. (In the past, I found Sniff+ very good for understanding
existing code as well, although I'd prefer Rose or Together for
developing new code.) Doxygen can also be used to create class
diagrams, although it is somewhat more limited.
The syntax should be the same for all C++ code. On the other
hand, conventions concerning indenting, placement of the braces
and naming vary greatly from one place to the other; there are
no universal rules (although I've noticed that a number of
places like to add on all sorts of junk in code that they
deliver, presumably to make it more difficult for the client to
back engineer it).
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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