Re: template operator== not working
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
* Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]:
As already shown else-thread, no, writing = for == can be detected
at compile time in other ways, the most effective and (IMHO) least
ugly to make '=' for assignment invalid. That it's possible does
not mean it's a good idea, because the problem it means to avoid is
insignificant and will be detected anyway if it occurs, and the
solution has associated costs, namely non-conventional notation,
reducing readability and clarity. Just as it isn't a good idea, in
general, to make rvalues const, because the problem is insignificant
and will be detected anyway, e.g. through testing or via compiler
warnings, and the solution has associated costs, in particular
prohibiting an important possible optimization.
I'm still going to trust Scott Meyers on this one, especially
because he recommends the const r-values *in a discussion on RVO*:
RVO is just loosely associated with the earlier discussion in this
const result or not has, as far as I know, no impact on RVO.
Then what "important possible optimization" were you referring to? I'm
Happily Scott Meyers did not advocate const r-values on the basis of
efficiency. He advocated it on the basis of what felt most natural
to him. He's made some fundamental errors in his books (e.g., as I
recall, stating that
the compiler would generate operator& for you if you didn't define
it), but confusion about const impact on RVO is, as far as I know,
not one of them.
Cheers, & hth.,
- Alf