Re: Remove Characters from basic_string
Andy Champ wrote:
Mike Copeland wrote:
I have data I need to normalize - it's "name" data. For example, I
have the following: "Watts, J.C." I wish to (1) parse the "first
name" ("J.C.") and adjust it to "JC". Essentially, I want to remove
the punctuation characters from the "first name" substring.
I've looked at the basic_string in C++, but I can't find the
functions that will _remove" character(s) from a value. There are
operators that are helpful in finding the position of the character I
wish to remove, but I can't see how to actually do is. Pleas advise.
Others have supplied you with C++ code, but can I ask you to feed it
some test cases, all rather well known people:
Mao Tse-tung
H.R.H Charles Philip Arthur George
Aren't you missing the last name here? Or the [list of] titles?
Juan Carlos Alfonso V?ctor Mar?a de Borb?n y Borb?n-Dos Sicilias
Missing the last name again?
Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti
I have two middle initials and it's amazing how much software gets it
"Wrong" in what way?
I am not arguing with your point that any software should be tested. I
am just making the point that the data the OP had may have been required
to be in a particular form, like
Christ, J.
Windsor, H.R.H.C.P.A.G
Sicilias, J.C.A.V.M.d.B.y.B.D.
You know how they write the names of rock groups, "Beatles, The". There
is no need to overcomplicate the OP's task.
Speaking of getting it wrong, how many folks in US actually think that
"Santa" is the first name of that Christmas gift delivery dude, and
"Claus" is his last name?...
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