Re: Help w/ Floats needed!

James Kanze <>
Sun, 18 May 2008 06:12:32 -0700 (PDT)
On 18 mai, 06:43, "Somebody" <> wrote:

I have a point "int x", and a width "int cx". In order to
support scaling, I store this as "double ratio = x / cx" which
invariably led to round off errors when I tried to
re-calculate the new position from the ratio as in:

x = ratio * cx;

I tried to solve this by multiplying the numerator by 10,000
to gain more precision... recent testing showed that I had not
solved the problem in all cases. Thinking about it, no matter
how many times I multiply the numerator of a fraction, I'll
never be able to recover 100 from 1/3 (0.333333....) for


I came up with this idea: instead of storing "double ratio = x
/ cx", I will store int numerator=x, int denominator = cx;

That way, in my case off 1/3, I'll be able to fully recover the original
value. Ie...:

Not unless your doubles use a base 3, or a power of 3.

original pos = 33
original width = 100

num = 33;
denom = 100;

new width = num * 100 / denom = 33;

Does this sound like a reasonable solution (with ABSOLUTELY

You haven't really specified the problem. Zero loss of
precision isn't possible with a finite representation, so you
can forget about that.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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