Re: incredible slowdown switching to 64 bit g++

James Kanze <>
Tue, 25 Nov 2008 04:03:14 -0800 (PST)
On Nov 25, 8:27 am, wrote:

Just A Quick question: does the program do the same thing on
a 64bit machine as on a 32bit machine? has testing shown
that for the same input you get the same output?

There are small differences in the values of doubles but I
guess that's not unexpected.

Not really. Both the 64 bit machine and the 32 bit one are
probably using IEEE doubles. Even on a 32 bit machine, a double
is normally 64 bits.

Compiling in 64 bit mode will often result some reduction in
speed, because of larger program size, and thus poorer locality.
I can't imagine this representing more than a difference of
about 10 or 20 percent, however, and I would expect it usually
to be a lot less.

Have you profiled the two cases, to see which functions have
become significantly slower?

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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