Re: Aaahhrg! Trouble passing an array of structs to a function!

"Scott McPhillips [MVP]" <org-dot-mvps-at-scottmcp>
Mon, 16 Mar 2009 16:35:58 -0400
"Robby" <> wrote in message

For example, if I have say 20 different types of arrays of structures and
particular member of every strcture needs to be tested, updated or
manipulated always using a specific logic, what should one do. Create 20
different functions... one for each array of structures ?

In the C language that is your only choice. A function can only work with
the types it was designed for. The fact that a particular member of every
structure type happens to have the same name is of no help to the compiler:
They are different.

In my humble
opinion that would appear to be redundant. Because what would happen if 20
turns to 40, 100 or even 500? So I don't know any other approach to this
scenario but to try to do what I am doing here.

C++ has two smart ways to deal with such situations. If all the types
inherit from a common parent then the function can be written to understand
the parent, and all of the children types can be passed to it. Or a C++
template can be written: This is just an automated way to get the compiler
to write the 20, 40 or even 500 functions.

Scott McPhillips [VC++ MVP]

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