Re: "DINKUMWARE LTD is the last remaining commercial supplier of Standard C++ libraries" - Dinkumware's website

David Abrahams <>
Thu, 30 Apr 2009 18:23:01 CST
on Thu Apr 23 2009, Piotr Dobrogost <> wrote:


I just read this

"DINKUMWARE LTD is the last remaining commercial supplier of Standard
C++ libraries, (...)"


{ mod note: the quoted paragraph continues "and has long been the only
commercial supplier of Standard C libraries." -mod }

If that was due to the fact there are free comparable implementations
of the Standard C++ library I could understand this. But taking TR1 as
a test case Dinkumware estimates conformance of free implementations
as 15% for Boost, and 12% for Gcc in a comparison to their 100%

Just to be very clear, Boost isn't an implementation of standard C++,
and doesn't claim to be. I think the documentation of Boost.TR1 could
be a bit clearer about its aims w.r.t. conformance, but it is very
upfront about existence of known non-conformances.

As for GCC, it would be interesting to see how Dinkumware fares when run
against the test suite used to validate the GCC standard library ;-)

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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