Re: FYI: Current Google Groups problem for [comp.lang.c++.moderated]

"osmium" <>
Tue, 25 Aug 2009 11:11:59 -0500
Nick Keighley wrote:

On 25 Aug, 11:47, "Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote:

No articles posted via Google Groups has arrived in the moderation
queue for [comp.lang.c++.moderated] since the 20th this month.

Now testing Google Groups posting, what happened with that test was

* Google Groups said the article had been sent to moderation.

* After 1.5 hours the test posting has still not arrived in the

* But a test posting via EternalSeptember (NNTP) arrived after 1

I've contacted the other active moderators about this issue.

Judging by the resolution of earlier problems, if the problem is at
our server it will probably be fixed shortly.

However, more likely the problem is with some spam filter or perhaps
directly with Google Groups, in which case a resolution may take
some time.

take a look a It's a problem with google and they aren't
keen to fix it. TO have a work-around.

Friar Broccoli:

GoogleGroups is in a state of continuous decline.
Presently no-one can post to a moderated group because the
messages are not being forwarded by google to the moderator.

To get around this Talk.Origin posters must add:
talk-origins (at)

to the Cc: line as in:

I think it is a bad idea to tell people how to work around problems with
Google. Let them flounder around for a few months and finally decide that
there must be a better way. The best thing that could happen to newsgroups
would be for Google to get the hell out of the business. They clearly have
no interest in doing things right.

But then, after typing the above I discovered that you are one of the Google
enablers. And yes, I know there can be reasons why people use Google to

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