Re: bool value as template argument
On 28 Jan., 14:53, Rune Allnor <> wrote:
Hi all.
I have an application where i need to traverse a data container
in either the ascending or descending direction.
The naive C-style case would go something like
void traverse(std::vector<T>,bool ascending)
size_t step = -1;
if (ascending)
step = 1;
I need to have one ascending and one descending tracker,
so I want to have a function object for each direction, and
specify the direction through a template argument:
template<bool ascending>
class tracker{
size_t step_;
template<bool ascending>
if (ascending) step_ = 1;
else step_ = -1;
The problem is that the compiler doesn't like this way
of doing things. It complaiths that it can't find specializations
for the classes tracker<0> and tracker<1>.
We need to see your usage code to understand your problem.
Your above example is so buggy that I don't know where to
start ;-), therefore I invert the situation and assert that the
following program should be well-formed (but not useful):
template<bool ascending>
class tracker {
int step_;
template<bool ascending>
if (ascending) step_ = 1;
else step_ = -1;
int main() {
tracker<true> tr1;
tracker<false> tr2;
Is it possible to achieve what I want by testing the template
argument in one function, as indicated above? Or do I need to
write full-blown specializations for both classes?
This should work.
HTH & Greetings from Bremen,
Daniel Kr?gler
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