Re: Using printf in C++

Juha Nieminen <nospam@thanks.invalid>
Tue, 15 May 2012 09:28:33 +0000 (UTC)
Ian Collins <> wrote:

The only feature there that may impact performance is RTTI.

The impact of RTTI on performance is greatly exaggerated by people who
haven't actually tested it, but base their claims solely on assumptions
and impressions.

I have actually tested in practice the speed difference between calling
a regular function and a virtual function. The speed difference was not
measurable. In practice calling a virtual function is basically as fast
as calling a regular function. (Sure, there's an extra indirection step
involved in calling a virtual function, but this extra clock cycle or
so gets completely overwhelmed by everything else that's involved in
calling a function, such as putting values on the stack, brancing,
having the function execute its code, and branching back.)

There might be some contrived inheritance situations (especially if you
use multiple inheritance, and especially if you use virtual inheritance)
where calling a virtual function *might* be measurably slower. However,
these situations are quite rare in practice (and a savvy programmer
wouldn't use such a solution in a speed-critical situation anyways).

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