Re: Percentage of error checking code

"osmium" <>
Tue, 26 Feb 2013 07:15:39 -0600
"?? Tiib" wrote:

On Sunday, 24 February 2013 13:43:51 UTC+2, Giuliano Bertoletti wrote:

this might be a too generic or even an ill-posed problem, but I'll try

It is too generic.

Is there any study/document/pubblication which shows which percentage of
C++ code (measured in lines of code) is used to perform error checking
(validating parameters, catching exceptions, etc.)?

Validating parameters for contract violations? Programming errors?
Less than 10%. Automated tests? Can be several times more code than actual
application code. Can be none. Significant part of it can be generated by

Catching exceptions is usually called exception handling not error
checking. Exceptions do not mean programming errors. "etc." makes it
possible to name even diagnosing user-entered data for errors as "error
checking" and that is not too far from "preventing users from entering
erroneous data" that is usually one of the major goals of user interfaces.

This might actually be dependent on the application type, but I would
like to have some figures possibly per application type (or other
factors as well).

C++ does not have clear separation of errors. So ... if you ask for
"checking errors" but mean "solving problems" then very large amount
of applications are entirely written for to solve someones problems.

People often say "error" when a better word choice would be "anomaly"

I fiddled with a great circle distance program a few years ago that seemed
to be above 90% in checks of various sorts. Northern hemisphere vs.
southern hemisphere, only 360 degrees in a circle, on and on and on. I
finally threw it away in disgust. The "program" part of the program was
miniscule, it was all about data validation and GUI.

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