Re: friends of a class...
rory wrote:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myfirstclass
int number;
void greeting();
friend void test();
void test()
cout << myfirstclass->number;
1 - number is public so you don't to make a friend function to access
2 - myfirstclass is the class name not an object of class so you can't
use it's name or the '->' token to access number
so u got
expected primary-expression before '->' token
whatever, i understand what do u try to do, listen:
you don't need to make friend function but you need to do like this
class MyClass {
uintptr_t csThread(void *clientData)
MyClass* myObj = clientData;
// to access object members use 'myObj->'
to call csoundCreateThread from any object of MyClass
csoundCreateThread(csThread, (void *) this); /* this : pointer to the
object of MyClass type*/
if it is not clear, post a snippet of ur code show what do u wanna to
do exactly
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