Re: Multithread Interlocking -- What is wrong with this soluition?

"Eric Jensen" <>
Fri, 19 May 2006 12:40:23 +0200
<> skrev i en meddelelse

I need a simple multi-thread/process interlock mechanism, that works on
Windows and Linux. However, they have rather different mechanisms. I
put together a system that seems to me to work, and be simple, without
any OS intervention. However, I wanted to ask if anyone saw any
possible leakage. Here it is:

static volatile int lock = 0; // Variable for lock

void controlledAccess() // Function to control access
      if(++lock == 1)
          // locked section, free access to protected resource
         sleep(1000); // Or whatever }

Anyone see a way that two threads can get in the critical section?

That is absolutely not thread safe :)
2 or more threads could see lock == 1.

For win32 you can use critical section on a single cpu system and semaphores
on linux
the following sample is thread safe on a single cpu'ed system.
For multi cpu'ed systems win32 has functions like InterlockedIncrement(),
InterlockedDecrement(), InterlockedExchange() they will make sure that
processors are instructed to force their memory caches to agree
with main memory (so we're sure both cpus see the same value of an object).

For win32 i made my own critical section, that simply uses
to compare the thread id's and set the lock. You could do the same and make
it work on both platforms.

#if defined (_WIN32)
sem_t semlock;

DWORD WINAPI SomeThread(LPVOID lpParam) {
    int iTrd = (int)lpParam;
    while (condition) {
#if defined (_WIN32)
        while (sem_wait(&semlock) == -1) {
           if (errno != EINTR) {
               // failed to lock
        std::cout << "Thread " << iTrd << " says: Hello World!" <<
#if defined (_WIN32)
        if (sem_post(&semlock) == -1) {
             // failed to unlock

void main() {
#if defined (_WIN32)
  if (sem_init(&semlock, 0, 1) == -1) {
     // failed to init
  for (int i=0; i<max_trd; i++) {
  while (condition) {
     // program main loop
#if defined (_WIN32)
  if (sem_destroy(&semlock) == -1) {
     // failed

I hope this was any help to you :)


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