Re: architecture OOP, Design Pattern

Vincent RICHOMME <>
Sat, 21 Apr 2007 02:10:01 +0200
Victor Bazarov a ?crit :

Vincent RICHOMME wrote:

I would like your opinion about the following subject :

I have a class called CBackupSimContact that is used to copy contact
from a SIM card to the phone memory.

I have another class called CBackupDialog that is supposed to display
copy progress.

So very basically I have the following

class CBackupSimContact

  void CopyContact()
   for (int i = 0; i < NumContacts; i++)
      SendMessage(CONTACT_ADDED); // BAAADDD because using windows
 specific mechanism

ON_MESSAGE( CONTACT_ADDED, &CBackupDialog::OnContactAdded)

class CBackupDialog
  CBackupDialog::CBackupDialog ()
    pBackupMgr = new CBackupSimContact();

void OnContactAdded()
   ProgressBar.StepIt(); // move progress bar

ProgressBar m_ProgressBar;
CBackupSimContact* m_pBackupMgr;

So it's a very simple case a class doing some operations and another
that receives notifications.
For now notifications is done by a windows specific mechanism called
message and I am not satisfied with this.

What I would like to know is how could I do it in a more OO way.
I have thought of an observer pattern but don't you think it's a bit
heavy for this simple task?

No, I don't think so.

You don't have to implement the full-blown event mechanism unless you
think you can use it for other stuff around your application. I would
simply do

class CBackupSimContact {
  template<class ContactAddedRegister>
  void CopyContact(ContactAddedRegister & register)
    for (int i = 0; i < NumContacts; i++)

And then

  CBackupSimContact pMyDoer;
  CBackupDialog pDialog;



Waou. Really interesting this solution with templates. I find it very
elegant.Now let's say the problem is more complex.
Actually my CBackupSimContact is using a thread to do its copy.

So I have :

  class CBackupSimContact {
    template<class ContactAddedRegister>
    void CopyContact(ContactAddedRegister & register)
      // Create the thread and pass this to the static method


    static void ThreadCopyContact(DWORD pvParam)
     CBackupSimContact *pThis=reinterpret_cast< CBackupSimContact

     for (int i = 0; i < NumContacts; i++)

Now the solution doesn't work anymore ...

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