How to add thread-safety in a logging library?
I implemented a small logging library with the API like this:
logger& log = log_manager::instance().get_logger("my_logger"); << "this is a debug message" << std::endl; << "this is an info message" << std::endl;
Every logger has a unique name, and manages an output stream
(std::ostream). The 'stream(log_level_t)' member function returns an
ostream_proxy object, which is implemented as the following:
class ostream_proxy {
// other member functions...
template<typename T>
ostream_proxy& operator<<(T const& t) {
(*os_) << t;
return *this;
std::ostream* os_; // ostream_proxy objects from the same logger
object share
// the same output stream.
Thus it is possible that two threads retrieve the same logger object
and write messages to the logging stream at the same time.
Now i want to add thread-safety to my logging library, and i realize
that in ostream_proxy, the statement "(*os_) << t;" is not thread-safe
(std::ostream is not thread-safe, right?). So i need to re-implement
the operator << in ostream_proxy like this:
class ostream_proxy {
// other member functions...
template<typename T>
ostream_proxy& operator<<(T const& t) {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(*os_mutex_);
(*os_) << t;
return *this;
std::ostream* os_; // ostream_proxy objects from the same
logger object
boost::mutex* os_mutex_; // share the same output stream and the
same mutex.
In this way, i can guarantee that at any moment, there is at most one
thread calling "(*os_) << t;".
But since logging may be an action that is frequently performed, the
code above may be too expensive to bear... Surely i can use a policy
to allow user to choose if s/he want thread-safety or not. But in a
multi-threaded application, user still has to pay for logging...
So i would like to know if such implementation is proper, or if there
is a way to make that better.
I would appreciate your advice. Thanks!
-- ZHENG Zhong
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