Re: atomically thread-safe Meyers singleton impl (fixed)...
"Dmitriy V'jukov" <> wrote in message
On Jul 30, 8:44 am, "Chris Thomasson" <> wrote:
template<typename T>
struct singleton {
static T* instance() {
static T* volatile this_ptr = NULL;
I think here is a little problem. this_ptr is initialized dynamically,
and this initialization is not thread-safe. So some thread can
overwrite pointer in this_ptr with NULL.
You have to made this_ptr global, not function local, so it will be
initialized with NULL statically before any user code is executed.
Okay. However, by that logic and POSIX compiler magic aside for a moment,
the following is not "technically" thread-safe:
void foo() {
static pthread_mutex_t this_mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
unless the `pthread_mutex_lock()' and `pthread_mutex_unlock()' function
calls explicitly handle the condition you describe; where am I going wrong?
or even:
void foo() {
static atomic_word volatile this_mtx = 0;
while (ATOMIC_SWAP(&this_mtx, 1)) {
ATOMIC_SWAP(&this_mtx, 0);
Could the above deadlock? Or encounter multiple threads within the