Windows Programing

Mon, 3 Nov 2008 20:52:56 -0800 (PST)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "pwrapi.h"
#include "PwrDrv.h"

// power down and power up flags
BOOL g_bPoweredDown = FALSE;
BOOL g_bPoweredUp = FALSE;

// messaging related variables
HANDLE g_hMessageThread = NULL; // messaging thread handle
DWORD g_dwMessageThreadId = 0; // messaging thread id
HWND g_hMsgWnd = NULL; // messaging HWND
BOOL g_bMsgSent = FALSE; // flags that message was sent
CRITICAL_SECTION g_csMsg; // critical section used for changing the
messaging HWND

// messaging working thread function
DWORD WINAPI MessageThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter);

                       DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
        case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
        case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
        case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
        case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
    return TRUE;

// Driver Interface Functions

// XXX_Init
// This function is called by the Device Manager to
// initialize a device.
// Notes:
// Normally this function returns a handle to the device
// context created. For our purposes, this function doesn't
// need to do anything, so I just return TRUE for a device
// handle.
    // initialize the critical section (used for changing the messaging

    // create messaging working thread
    if (g_hMessageThread==NULL)
        g_hMessageThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MessageThreadProc, NULL, 0,

    return TRUE; // return non-zero value

// XXX_Deinit
// This function is called by the Device Manager to
// de-initialize a device.
// Notes:
// For our purposes, this function doesn't need to
// do anything, so just return TRUE.
PWRDRV_API BOOL PWR_Deinit(DWORD hDeviceContext)
    // delete message working thread
    if (g_hMessageThread!=NULL) {
        TerminateThread(g_hMessageThread, 0);

    // delete the critical section (used for changing the messaging HWND)

    return TRUE;

// XXX_Open
// This function opens a device for reading and/or writing.
// An application indirectly invokes this function when it
// calls CreateFile to open special device file names.
// Notes:
// Normally, this function returns a handle that identifies
// the open context of the device to the calling application.
// Since we are running for a single application and we don't
// need to keep any information with this handle, we just
// an arbitrary value.
PWRDRV_API DWORD PWR_Open(DWORD hDeviceConext, DWORD dwAccessCode,
DWORD dwShareMode)
    return 1; // return non-zero value

// XXX_Close
// This function closes the device context.
// Notes:
// For our purposes, this function doesn't need to
// do anything, so just return TRUE.
    return TRUE;

// XXX_IOControl
// This function sends a command to a device.
// This is where commands from the application are handled.
// These commands include:
// Returns the current power up notification value
// Resets the power up notification value
// Enables the power up notification messaging, by
// receiving an HWND to pass the message to
// Disables the power up notification messaging
// Remarks (from MSDN documentation)
// An application uses the DeviceIOControl function to
// specify an operation to be performed. The operating
// system, in turn, invokes this function. The dwCode
// parameter contains the input or output operation to
// be performed. I/O control codes usually are specific
// to each device driver and typically are exposed to
// programmers by means of a header file.
                    DWORD hOpenContext, // open context handle
                    DWORD dwCode, // I/O control code
                    PBYTE pBufIn, // input buffer
                    DWORD dwLenIn, // input buffer size
                    PBYTE pBufOut, // output buffer
                    DWORD dwLenOut, // output buffer size
                    PDWORD pdwActualOut) // actual output bytes returned
    BOOL bRet = FALSE;
    PDWORD pDatIn = (PDWORD) pBufIn;
    PDWORD pDatOut = (PDWORD) pBufOut;

    switch (dwCode) {

        // return power up notification value in the output buffer
        *pDatOut = g_bPoweredUp;
        *pdwActualOut = sizeof(g_bPoweredUp);
        bRet = TRUE;

        // reset the power up notification value
        g_bPoweredUp = FALSE;
        bRet = TRUE;

        // enable the power up notification messaging by getting the
messaging HWND
        // in the input buffer
        g_hMsgWnd = (HWND) *pDatIn;
        bRet = TRUE;

        // disable the power up notification messaging
            g_hMsgWnd = NULL;
        bRet = TRUE;

    return bRet;

// XXX_PowerUp
// This function normally restores power to a device. In
// our case, we just flag the notification so that the
// messaging working thread can handle sending notification
// to the application window.
// Remarks (from MSDN documentation)
// The operating system invokes this function to restore
// power to a device. The operating system might call this
// function as it is leaving its power-save mode. This
// function should not call any functions that may cause
// it to block, and it should return as quickly as possible.
// This function should set a global variable to indicate
// that power was restored and perform any necessary processing
// later.
PWRDRV_API void PWR_PowerUp(DWORD hDeviceContext)
    if (g_bPoweredDown)
        g_bPoweredUp = TRUE; // set notification

// XXX_PowerDown
// This function normally suspends power to the device. In
// our case, we just flag the notification so that when we
// get the XXX_PowerUp call, we have a pair of Down/Up calls
// and know that a valid power up occurred.
// Remarks (from MSDN documentation)
// The operating system invokes this function to suspend
// power to the device. The operating system might call
// this function when it is about to enter the power-save
// mode. This function should not call any functions that
// might cause it to block, and it should return as quickly
// as possible. One strategy for returning quickly is to
// have this function set a global variable to indicate
// that a power loss occurred and to defer any complicated
// processing until later, when the driver=F2s XXX_PowerUp
// function is called.
PWRDRV_API void PWR_PowerDown(DWORD hDeviceContext)
    // reset notification flags
    g_bPoweredDown = TRUE;
    g_bPoweredUp = FALSE;

    g_bMsgSent = FALSE;

// XXX_Read
// This function reads data from the device identified by
// the open context.
// Notes:
// This functionality is not supported, so return error.
    // Unused function, return error
    return -1;

// XXX_Write
// This function writes data to the device.
// Notes:
// This functionality is not supported, so return error.
PWRDRV_API DWORD PWR_Write(DWORD hOpenContext, LPCVOID pSourceBytes,
DWORD dwNumberOfBytes)
    // Unused function, return error
    return -1;

// XXX_Seek
// This function moves the data pointer in the device.
// Notes:
// This functionality is not supported, so return error.
PWRDRV_API DWORD PWR_Seek(DWORD hOpenContext, long lAmount, WORD
    // Unused function, return error
    return -1;

// Messaging working thread function
// Polls the power up detection flag, and if set, sends a
// power on notification message to the application window.
DWORD WINAPI MessageThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter)
    DWORD dwSleepTime = 1000; // need in milliseconds

    while (1)
        if (g_bPoweredUp && !g_bMsgSent)
            g_bMsgSent = TRUE;
            if (g_hMsgWnd!=NULL)
                PostMessage(g_hMsgWnd, WM_PWR_POWERUP, 0, 0);

        // wait some time before polling again

    return 0;

this is code for my prj in tnis code i am getting error as
Error 1 error C2491: 'PWR_Init' : definition of dllimport function not
i looked for msdn but doesnt help me much

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