Re: simple pthread

cerr <>
Mon, 25 Jul 2011 22:54:22 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 25, 9:45 pm, Ian Collins <> wrote:

On 07/26/11 04:15 PM, cerr wrote:

This looks like a mixed up function declaration!

Yep, exactly right... :o

int something = pthread_create( );

A decent compiler should tell you that MyThread::PrintMsg is the wrong
function type for the function pointer parameter of pthread_create.

I'm using g++ and io got this now:
int MyThread::StartMe(void)
   pthread_create(&ThreadA, NULL,&MyThread::PrintMsg, void);
and the compiler tells me:
$ g++ -o example example.cpp
example.cpp: In member function =91int MyThread::StartMe()':
example.cpp:42:55: error: expected primary-expression before =91void'

what is a primary expression in this case? :o

Firstly, please don't use the sociopathic "new" google interface, it
ruins threading!.

Alright, switched back.. hopefully they'll fix that soon, I like the
new interface...

It looks like you missed my other comments, go be back and check, 'void'
isn't a valid parameter value and a member function isn't a valid thread

Alright, so how can I pass no parameter then, NULL or (void) NULL
don't work either...
So I cannot have a thread in a class? Alright then...would a different
class by okay or does it need to be global?


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