Re: Delegates ,smart pointers and GUI

SG <>
Thu, 30 Apr 2009 07:07:37 -0700 (PDT)
On 30 Apr., 15:16, Phlip <> wrote:

KjellKod wrote:

Something very similar as 'delegates' are in fact commonly used in C++
(GUI) frameworks.
Check out signals by
Boost (
and Qt (

Signals and slots are not "in C++". Trolltech provides them by adding two new
keywords to C++. You can't do what they did without their language extension.

It's my understanding that a similar feature can be more or less
emulated with C++ language features. IIRC, Trolltech didn't do it that
way because they started development early and C++ compilers were not
very mature w.r.t. templates back then.

I'm not much of a GUI programmer but I did check out gtkmm a little
bit. They also have signals and slots but they're implemented as a C++

The only experience with GUI programming I have is with Java/Swing.
The talk about closures reminded of the need to write something like

  SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
    public void run() {
      // do something

in Java if you're in another thread and want an action to be performed
in Swing's event loop thread. In C++0x you'd be able to do something

  // called from event loop thread as result of
  // a user action, for example
  void foo::on_click() {
      [] { calculations(); }, // async job
      [this] { this->ready(); } // when done

  // called from event loop thread
  // (after calculations are complete)
  void foo::ready() {
    // ...

where most of the magic is hidden behind the fictional
"MyGuiFramework::perform_async". This is just one idea that comes to
mind. ;-)


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