Re: Is this thread-safe?

Scot T Brennecke <>
Sun, 02 Aug 2009 03:33:03 -0500
"crashes" is such an overused and ambiguous term. Please explain what it really looks like to "crash" in that function. What
thread activity leads you to believe that this is a question of thread safety? I don't see any attempts in your code to ensure
thread safety, so I'd say it isn't. But you haven't explained why you think multi-threading is relevant to the problem.

Jack wrote:

Hi guys

unsigned int __stdcall cDisplay_Thread::Manage_Display(void *arg)
 CDemoView *v = (CDemoView*) arg;

  if (v->GetDocument()->m_strRecv.GetLength() != 0)


   return 0;


Is this code snippet above thread safe?
This crashes on v->UpdateData(FALSE); (Doing DataExchange)
v is CFormView
The GetDocument function above it just works fine..
I tried to declare a member variable in cDisplay_Thread::Manage_Display, but
I can't keep it persistant.... Any comments?

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