Re: STL Slow - VS2005

=?Utf-8?B?V1hT?= <>
Wed, 23 Aug 2006 13:30:02 -0700
Got this update from a test run with changes:

See last test in each, short string.

Append one character to empty string 100 million times: 6653 ms
Search long string for 3 different substrings 10 million times: 3361 ms
Assignment, search, replace 10 million times: 3560 ms
Pass and return by value function called 10 million times: 8317 ms
Pass by reference return by value function called 10 million times: 4177 ms
Short String - Pass and return by value function called 10 million times:
1465 ms
Short String - Pass by reference return by value function called 10 million
times: 743 ms
VS2005 & STLPORT 5
Append one character to empty string 100 million times: 1759 ms
Search long string for 3 different substrings 10 million times: 3114 ms
Assignment, search, replace 10 million times: 2667 ms
Pass and return by value function called 10 million times: 3597 ms
Pass by reference return by value function called 10 million times: 1816 ms
Short String - Pass and return by value function called 10 million times:
822 ms
Short String - Pass by reference return by value function called 10 million
times: 427 ms

string func2(string& par )
 string tmp(par);
 return tmp ;

 string s("1234567890");
 for( int i = 0 ; i < 10000000; ++ i ) {
  string sx = func2( s );
 double msecs =
 printf("Short String - Pass by reference return by value function called 10
million times: %.0f ms\n", msecs);

Compiler options:
/O2 /I "W:\3rd Party Software\STLport\stlport" /I "v:\include" /D "WIN32" /D
"NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /FD /EHsc /MD /Fo"VC8\Release\\"
/Fd"VC8\Release\vc80.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /Wp64 /Zi /TP /errorReport:prompt

Linker Options:
/OUT:"VC8\Release\string_tests.exe" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO /LIBPATH:"W:\3rd
Party Software\STLport\stlport" /MANIFEST
/MANIFESTFILE:"VC8\Release\string_tests.exe.intermediate.manifest" /DEBUG
/PDB:"w:\test\string_tests\VC8\Release\string_tests.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE
kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib
shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib

"Jerry Coffin" wrote:

In article <>, says...

Here is the file that was tested with vs2005 stl and vs2005 w/stlport 5.0

The first and most crucial question to ask of any benchmark is how
accurately this benchmark represents real-world workloads. Unless the
benchmark is quite close to real-world usage, it's meaningless -- and
even if it's fairly close, it can still be entirely meaningless (if the
differences between "fairly close" and "real world" make a big
difference in performance).

[ ... ]

         string s ;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100000000; ++ i ) {
            s += " " ;

People have done quite a few studies on string lengths as they're
actually used. Every time I've seen such a study, it's concluded that
most strings are quite short -- most people find that over 90% of
strings are 80 characters or less, and the frequency of usage drops of
quickly with length -- even 1000 characters is extremely rare. A string
of 100 megabytes is so rare that your measurement means nothing about
real use.

[ ... ]

         string s("qyweyuewunfkHBUKGYUGL ,wehbYGUW^( @T@H!BALWD:h^&@#*@(#:
        for (int i = 0 ; i < 10000000; ++i) {
            s.find( "unfkHBUKGY" ) ;
            s.find( "W^( @T@H!B" ) ;
            s.find( "J:CND" ) ;

Likewise, in the real world, most strings consist primarily (if not
exclusively) of a-z, A-Z, space, and a FEW punctuation characters. I
haven't checked, but my immediate guess is that a significant difference
in string searching speed likely results from using a Boyer-Moore (or
BMH) search algorithm. Restricting the alphabet in use also
significantly reduces the advantage gained from such an algorithm.

That's not to say that such an advanced algorithm can't be useful -- but
my immediate guess is that the strings chosen above significantly
exaggerate the advantage likely to be gained in most real use.

         string s("qyweyuewunfkHBUKGYUGL ,wehbYGUW^( @T@H!BALWD:h^&@#*@(#:

[ ... ]

         printf("Assignment, search, replace 10 million times: %.0f ms\n", msecs);

The comments about searching apply here as well.

[ ... ]

         string s("qyweyuewunfkHBUKGYUGL ,wehbYGUW^( @T@H!BALWD:h^&@#*@(#:

[ ... ]

         printf("Pass and return by value function called 10 million times: %.0f
ms\n", msecs);

I can't imagine anybody passing strings by value except by accident.
Virtually every book on C++ teaches even rank beginners to pass class-
objects by ref-to-const by about chapter 2. This benchmark seems to
apply only to thoroughly inept code.

         string s("qyweyuewunfkHBUKGYUGL ,wehbYGUW^( @T@H!BALWD:h^&@#*@(#:

[ ... ]

         printf("Pass by reference return by value function called 10 million
times: %.0f ms\n", msecs);

The first comments on string length apply here as well, though obviously
to a somewhat lesser degree -- this string is somewhat longer than
usual, but at least not nearly so outrageously so.

         string s("1234567890");
[ ... ]

         printf("Short String - Pass and return by value function called 10 million
times: %.0f ms\n", msecs);

Passing by value again? If I didn't know better, I'd guess you carefully
avoided the two (by far) most common situations: 1) pass a short string
by reference and return a short string by value, 2) pass a short string
by reference, modify a string whose reference was passed.

Of course, the second of these doesn't really measure much about the
string implementation at all -- and if the compiler includes named
and/or anonymous return value optimization, the first probably doesn't
either. To make a long story short, this entire line of testing only
means something to 1) people who have no clue of how to use C++, or 2)
are stuck using old compilers without any return value optimization

Given STLPort's target of supporting nearly all compilers, the latter is
probably meaningful for the library. Unless I'm mistaken, VS 2005 does
include RVO, so it means little in this context though.

Ultimately, I can't see anything here that seems to indicate much of
anything about whether (for example) I'd get better or worse performance
in my programs if I used STLPort's string class instead of Dinkum's. It
might happen, but these tests just don't show anything meaningful one
way or the other.


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