Re: Do Not Understand why these three Files Will Not Compile
On Thu, 4 Nov 2010 16:23:16 -0700 (PDT), KevinSimonson
<> wrote:
I've created the three files below and have gotten them into Visual
Studio 2010 (version 10.0.30319.1). I had a whole bunch of
compilation errors, but I've got them all fixed but two in "Bug.cpp".
I've embedded the error messages into the code with square brackets to
make it easier to see what the messages are referring to. What I'm
trying to do is get an example of a non-static function being called
every ten seconds. All this program does is write the contents of a
"Bug" object to a different file each time "problem()" is called.
This isn't the real software problem I'm working on; the one I'm
working on is much more complex. But the part I'm having trouble with
with the real software problem is this bit where a call to
"SetTimer()" needs to call a non-static method. Anybody have any idea
why this code won't compile for me?
Kevin S
// BugMain.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "Bug.h"
Bad practice. Don't include your headers before your project's master
#include "stdafx.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Bug bg = new Bug( 123, 456.789);
return 0;
#pragma once
class Bug
int abc;
double def;
Bug ( int ab, double de);
void runIt ();
void problem ();
static void* pObject;
#include "Bug.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h> <--- delete this
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
char fileName[ 12];
Are you writing C or C++? Forget char exists.
string fileName;
Bug::Bug ( int ab
, double de)
abc = ab;
def = de;
strcpy( fileName, "Bug_000.Txt"); <-- no!
Are you writing C?
fileName = "Bug_000.Txt";
void CALLBACK repeatable ( HWND hwnt
, UINT uMsg
, UINT idEvent
, DWORD dwTime)
Bug* bg = (Bug *) pObject; [Error: identifier "pObject" is
Now you are writing C to the Windows API but trying to instantiate an
object directly.
void Bug::runIt ()
pObject = this;
SetTimer( NULL, 10000, repeatable); [Error: argument of type
Invalid number of arguments to the function.
"void (__stdc
} all *)(HWND hwnt, UINT uMsg,
ent, DWORD dwTime)" is
incompatible wi
void Bug::problem () th parameter of type "UINT"]
ofstream outFile( fileName);
outFile << "abc == " << abc << " and def == " << def << "." << endl;
int dgt;
for (dgt = 6; 3 < dgt && fileName[ dgt] == '9'; dgt--)
{ fileName[ dgt] = '0';
if (3 < dgt)
{ fileName[ dgt]++;
You are trying to use Windows messages, (WM_TIMER) in a console
application without a WindowProc and without a message loop. A console
application doesn't receive these kinds of messages and your timer
callback will never be called.