Re: how to send & receive a user defined event?

Victor Bazarov <>
Tue, 19 May 2009 16:26:26 -0400
Questioner wrote:

I'm trying to implement an auto-scrolling feature. The user clicks
the mouse and holds down the button in a window, then moves
the point outside of the window and does no release the button.
This is supposed to cause the problem (a la Microsoft Word)
to scroll automatically at a certain speed.

Unfortunately after much experimenting, I cannot find a way
to generate a continuous stream of events (e.g. mouse move)
to implement auto scrolling. My calls to SendInput are basically
being ignored... I tried sending mouse left-button up/down
to see if SendInput works at all, and it does. But move events
are having no effect. I tried setting dx,dy=0 (relative position) effect. I tried nonzero values, same thing.

Can anyone suggest how to create a user-defined event
so that I can get around this obstacle?

You do 'SetCapture', yes? Your window keeps receiving the mouse move
messages when you move the mouse while outside, yes? There is no
continuous stream of mouse events, however, unless the mouse is
continuously moving or you're clicking on the buttons. The autoscroll
has to be done on a timer. See 'SetTimer' and WM_TIMER.

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