Re: Is c++ only better c ?
On Oct 28, 6:48 pm, Juha Nieminen <nos...@thanks.invalid> wrote:
Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
XML is primarily meant for the (easily
portable) exchange of data between programs
And XML is one of the least efficient ways of doing that,
spacewise. This is especially true with large amounts of data
which have to be transferred eg. over a network. XML is
hyperverbose, often for no good reason.
But it compresses well:-). I agree, and this over-verbosity is
one of the things I don't particularly care for in XML. Before
XML, each time I've needed some specialized syntax, i designed
it from scratch (usually with a vaguely lisp-like grammar,
although I'd usually put the keyword outside the parentheses,
and often used {..} for parentheses, rather than (...)). And
write a parser for it, which was good for a couple of days work.
And not have any support (e.g. auto-indent) for it in the
editor. Today, I'll do it in XML, write my DTD in a couple of
hours, and have a complete parser and editor support
I'm not really fond of XML, however: it's not that it's better
than any possible alternatives, it's that there are no
alternatives, other than developing an entire data description
language from scratch each time around. The results are never
as good as a custom data description language would be, but a
half a day's work, compared to a week or more (generally more,
because if you define your own format, you have to document it
in detail as well). There are doubtlessly some cases where the
extra work is justified, but file size is rarely a valid
justification, given the omnipresence of gzip, bzip2, etc.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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