Re: The joy (?) of C++98 argument forwarding
On 04.05.2010 15:50, * Alf P. Steinbach:
The question still stands, is it OK with notation like
Shared< Foo > r4( newObject(), args( 42, "blah blah" ) );
or would it be better in some sense with some macro, e.g. like
Shared< Foo > r( CPPX_NEW_SHARED( 42, "blah blah" ) );
I changed it to notation like
Shared< Foo > r1 = makeNew;
Shared< Foo > r2( r1 );
Shared< Foo > r3( makeNew, args( 42 ) );
Shared< Foo > r4( makeNew, args( 42, "blah blah" ) );
Shared< Foo > r5( std::auto_ptr< Foo >( new Foo( 0, "raw pointer" ) ) );
Is this readable/understandable?
- Alf
PS: I see that with Thunderbird 3.x something like OEQuoteFix (that fixed
quoting in Microsoft's Outlook Express) would be useful; I don't understand how
they could mess up everything + make the beast 100 times slower for a new
version, instead of fixing things and making it faster. Perhaps it's back to
some JavaScript and XML to cook up Yet Another TB extension, "TBQuoteFix"? Or
perhaps not: does anyone know any existing such extension?
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