Re: Extracting Class names in Abstract classes with Generics.

Ian Wilson <>
Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:13:33 +0000
Ian Wilson wrote:

Hemal Pandya wrote:

Ian Wilson wrote:

I have this working:


class Zap extends Foo<Apple> {
    fooFun(new Apple());
    // I want my Audit log to say "Apple had ..."

Far as I can tell it already says that. Can you post actual code sample
that compiles and runs? Please use System.out.println in place of

<SSCCE snipped>

The following does what I want but it is unlikely to be of interest to
anyone else as it doesn't involve generics or cleverness. I include it
for completeness :-)

public class ProblemSolved {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         Zap zap = new Zap();
         Zog zog = new Zog();

abstract class Foo<E> {
     Foo() { }

     void fooFun(E o) {
         AuditLog.memo("fooFunned a ", o);

     void fooFiz(E o) {
         AuditLog.memo("fooFizzed a ", o);

     void fooFar(E o) {
         AuditLog.memo("fooFarred a ", o);

     void fooFie(E o) {
         AuditLog.memo("fooFied a ", o);

class Apple {
     String colour;

     Apple(String colour) {
         this.colour = colour;

     public String toString() {
         return "A " + colour + " apple";

class Brick {
     int weight;

     Brick(int weight) {
         this.weight = weight;

     public String toString() {
         return "A brick weighing " + weight;

class Zap extends Foo<Apple> {
     Zap() {
         Apple apple = new Apple("Red");

class Zog extends Foo<Brick> {
     Zog() {
         Brick brick = new Brick(12);

class AuditLog {
     static void memo(String action, Object o) {
         System.out.println(action + o.getClass().getSimpleName()
                 + " (" + o.toString() + ")");

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