generic constructor call with concret type
I have th following proble:
abstract baseclass<T extends Number> {
abstract T dosomething();
class runclass<T extends Number> implements baseclass<T>{}
Now I would only implementate the runclass<T> for the datatype Double
and Float on other Number-types the compiler
should create an error.
At next I use a inner interface and class like
class runclass<T extends Number> implements baseclass<T>{
private interface innerintface<L extends Number>
public L doanother();
// and implement the interface with inner classes
private class floatrun implements innerintface<Float>
private class doublerun implements innerintface<Double>
// use a private member to store the object
private innerintface<T> obj = null
public runclass() {
// here is my problem to decide if I need create the obj = new
floatrun() or obj = new doublerun();
My runclass<T> should be only work with Double or Float datatypes at
the moment. In C++ template
I would create the conrect implement types and a genereal type that
creates an assert. Can I do anything
class runclass<T only Double>?