Re: Inheritance and lousy Frame

Lew <>
Thu, 11 Jan 2007 17:10:17 -0500
NickName wrote:

package oop1;

abstract public class MammalClass {
  // members variable definition
  private String name, eyeColor;
  private int age;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

This declaration of a main() serves no purpose here.

    // Accessor methods
    // name property
    public String getName() {
       return name;
    public void setName(String value) {
      name = value;

Methods like this should be declared "final" to prevent a subclass override,
if they are to be used in a constructor.

    // eyeColor property
    public String getEyeColor() {
      return eyeColor;
    public void setEyeColor(String value) {
      eyeColor = value;

    // age property
    public int getAge() {
      return age;
    public void setAge(int value) {
      if (value > 0) {
          age = value;
      else {
        age = 0;

    // provide default value
    public MammalClass() {
      setName("some name");

Because if the subclass overrides these methods, you could have some pain in
the superclass constructor.

      System.out.println("test output from super class");

  // abstract class, abstract method; declare at the supper class level
but implemented at each subclass
  abstract public void speed();


// subclass
package oop1;

public class DogClass extends MammalClass{
  // class members
  // boolean hasTail;
  // use the parent's members as well

  private boolean Tail;

Variable names should begin with a lower-case letter.

    public boolean hasTail() {
      return Tail;
    public void setTail(boolean value) {
      Tail = value;

    // calling super class's Accessor methods
    public DogClass() {

This would actually invoke the subclass's methods if there were such
overrides. Depending on the subclass's method definitions, that could break
your code.

Putting non-final public methods in a constructor is dangerous.

      // test output
      System.out.println("My dog: " + getName());
      System.out.println("is + " + getAge() + "now.");

    public void speed() {
      javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "30 mph", "Dog
Speed", 1);

Not sure that suddenly throwing a Swing class into a console app is such a
good idea.



- Lew

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