Copy/Paste Problem in JDialog
I am facing problems when I am trying to copy paste from a JDialog. Can
anyone help me out here?
Problem details :
I am making an application/applet which uses a JDialog at a point. I
display a textarea in the Dialog. The problem is that when I run it as
an application I am able to copy/paste from the textarea however when I
run it as an applet in browser (Mozilla Firefox 1.5) or using
appletviewer I am unable to copy/paste from the textarea. I am not able
to figure out what is the problem here, any help would be highly
appreciated as I need a wayout desperately.
Here's an SSCCE which you can try on :
//sscce starts
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class DialogApplet
extends JApplet
implements ActionListener {
JDialog d;
public void init() {
JButton b = new JButton("Show Dialog");
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ie ) {
Frame f = Frame.getFrames()[0];
JTextArea ta = new JTextArea("Are you able to copy this?");
d = new JDialog(f, true);
//sscce ends
(I am using the SSCCE of Andrew T. which he used once when I was facing
another problem, with some modificitation but it seves the purpose for
this problem :-) ).
An early reply would be really of great help.