Re: reinitializing an applet

Joshua Cranmer <Pidgeot18@verizon.invalid>
Tue, 05 Aug 2008 02:35:23 GMT
Daniele Futtorovic wrote:

On 04/08/2008 15:58, Lew allegedly wrote:

JCD wrote:

Encor 1 qu'a jamai parle une aut lang que l'anglais et qu'es nul i
ferai mieu d laiss? les aut r?pondr

That's not even proper French.

... but that is, alas!, the kind of illiterate "French" they use over
the Internet.

I personally considered it closer to the texting version of French.

My rough translation:
<Can't quite tell the beginning> have never spoken a language other than
English and <can't quite make sense of this part> better to let the
others respond.

The first untranslatable part ("Encor 1 qu'a") looks to me to be "encore
je qu'ai" (or maybe "encore une fois qu je'ai..."? Hard to tell.) or
something similar, which is obviously an idiomatic expression I've never
seen before. The second part ("qu'es nul i ferai") looks to me to be
"qu'il est nul" + "je ferai mieux" (or "ferais mieux"), or "that it is
bad" and "I will be better" (or "I would do better"), but the
combination is throwing me off.

Perhaps if I had the non-text-ish version of that paragraph I could
translate it. Such forms of slang aren't taught in French class...

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