Re: Beginner Problem - system.out.print

rossum <>
Thu, 17 Jan 2008 17:33:10 +0000
On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 08:54:00 -0800 (PST), KyoGaSuki
<> wrote:

Oh, sorry ^^;

Well, that was only my second java class (so this is going to be SO

Don't worry, we were all there once. When I first coded a goto I
misspelled it ("go to" vs "goto").

* @(#)
* Digits application
* @author
* @version 1.00 2008/1/17

public class Digits {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

    // TODO, add your application code

    int userNumber;

    System.out.print("Enter a 4-digit integer: ");

At this point you have two things to do:

 1 Get the actual number from the user - so far you have only asked
for it.

 2 Print out the given digits in order.

As a minor point is is better to indent with spaces rather than tabs
when posting on usenet - different people have different tab settings
so tabbed code may display very strangely.


I have absolutely no clue where to go after this...I know I am missing
something major in what I already have, though...I should be shot for
how little I understand this x.x

You do not have to work on the two tasks in the order I gave. For
example you could work on task 2 first by putting in a dummy for task

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // 1 Get number from user
    int userNumber;
    System.out.print("Enter a 4-digit integer: ");
    userNumber = 4321; // Dummy user number

    // 2 Print number one digit per line
    // TODO, add your application code for task 2

Doing that will allow you to progress.

Remember to test your work, does it work with numbers like "1203",
"0123" or "1230".

Now for task 1. If you look through the Java documentation, your Java
IDE might have an offline copy or else look at you will see that there is a
class called java.util.Scanner. Have a read of the documentation for
that class. That will help you with task 1.

Be warned that there is a to match the System.out you have
already been using; that does not do what you might think it does. It
works at a lower level than Scanner and is more difficult for a
beginner to use.

The Sun documentation is also available in Chinese or Japanese if that
is better for you, see
and look under "Core API Docs" for version 6.


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