java programming blueJ help
* You will be creating a cell phone application with two class
files, the CellPhone class which dials cell phone numbers entered by a
user or numbers entered into memory; and the Memory class which
assigns and returns nine (9) phone numbers stored in memory.
* The outline for the Memory class is displayed below:
// Enter your own comments including your name and the due date
public class Memory
// Instance variables for up to nine (9) phone numbers in
private String memory1;
private String memory2;
private String memory3;
private String memory4;
private String memory5;
private String memory6;
private String memory7;
private String memory8;
private String memory9;
public Memory()
// No statements required as all Strings for the object
are initialized to an empty string
// When instantiated there are no phone numbers stored in
// Add the other two (2) methods here ...
* Add a new void mutator method storeMemory() to the 'Memory'
class that stores a phone number into one of the memory fields; this
method takes two parameters: (1) memoryDigit, an int, which is the
location in which the phone number is to be stored (valid values are 1
through 9); and (2) memoryNumber, a String, the phone number to be
stored; use "if" testing for memoryDigit and store the phone number as
follows: if memoryDigit = 1, assign memoryNumber into the memory1
field; if memoryDigit = 2, assign memoryNumber into the memory2 field;
etc.; if memoryDigit is not a value between 1 and 9, do not store the
phoneNumber but display an error message to the terminal window
* Add a new accessor method getMemory() of type String to the
'Memory' class that retrieves a phone number from one of the memory
fields; this method takes a single parameter memoryDigit, an int,
which is the location from which the phone number is to be retrieved
(valid values are 1 through 9); if memoryDigit = 1 return the value
stored in the memory1 field, if memoryDigit = 2 return the value
stored in the memory2 field, etc.; if memoryDigit is not a value
between 1 and 9, return an empty string and display an error message
to the terminal window
* The outline for the CellPhone class is displayed below:
// Enter your own comments including your name and the due date
public class CellPhone
// Instance variables
private String phoneNumber; // The phone number to be dialed
private Memory mem; // Object instantiated from class
Memory to store memory phone numbers
public CellPhone()
// Write the code to instantiate a new object 'mem' from
the Memory class
// Initialize the phoneNumber field to an empty string
// Add the other five (5) methods here ...
* Add a new void mutator method setPhoneNumber() to the
'CellPhone' class that stores a string to the phoneNumber field; this
method takes a single parameter phoneNumber, a String, which is
assigned to the phoneNumber field.
* Add a new void mutator method setToMemory() to the 'CellPhone'
class that stores a string to one of the memory fields stored in the
mem object instantiated from the 'Memory' class; this method takes two
parameters: (1) memoryDigit, an int, which is the location in which
the phone number is to be stored; and (2) memoryNumber, a String, the
phone number to be stored; both of these parameter variables are
passed in a call to the storeMemory method of the 'Memory' class.
* Add a new void mutator method getFromMemory() to the 'CellPhone'
class that stores a string to the phoneNumber field; this method takes
a single parameter memoryDigit, an int, which is the location in the
mem object of the class 'Memory' from which the phone number is to be
retrieved; the method calls the getMemory method of the 'Memory'
class; if the return value is not an empty string assign it to the
field phoneNumber.
* Add a new accessor method getPhoneNumber() of type String to the
'CellPhone' class that returns the phoneNumber field.
* Add a new accessor method connect() of type String to the
'CellPhone' class; if the current value of the field phoneNumber =
empty string, return a string message asking the user to dial a number
first (to call either setPhoneNumber or getFromMemory method); if the
current value of the field phoneNumber != empty string, return the
phoneNumber field by calling its accessor method.