Re: SOAP messaging with SAAJ
"Phil Wilkinson" <> wrote in message
A newb question really that I hope someone can help me with.
I am experimenting with SOAP using a standalone Java application, built
along the lines of this tutorial but using
Google's API so that I can at least send and get a response from
something. As in the tutorial I have dowloaded and set up Java Web
Services Developer Pack and I am using Eclipse. (Yes I know there are
easier ways like using Google's Java client library but I'm using SAAJ,
as the SOAP service/environment I will eventually be using means that
this is all that I will have available to me).
I can send and receive the SOAP message OK using the Transformer object
and can dump out the response tree. I really need to obtain the
individual elements value only (in this case a correct spelling
suggestion) but when I modify my code to try to access the individual
elements as in the Sun tutorial here I get an
error message related to the iterator, in particular it seems unable to
access the individual element (see below).
at Request.main(
Iterator code below:
SOAPBody soapBody = response.getSOAPBody();
Iterator iterator = soapBody.getChildElements(bodyName);
SOAPBodyElement ReturnedBodyElement =
String returned = ReturnedBodyElement.getValue();
System.out.print("The Response from the server is ");
Using Transformer object I get this (so I know I can get a response!):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope
<ns1:doSpellingSuggestionResponse xmlns:ns1="urn:GoogleSearch"
<return xsi:type="xsd:string">half</return>
Any suggestions as to how I can get the iterator to work so I can
access the returned value would be much appreciated.
My WAG is that you're leaving out the namespace of
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