Re: float textbox
On Mar 27, 5:30 pm, wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to get a float textbox( or text area) in my Swing
application, ..
Why? That does not seem to follow the
'path of least surpise'. should be something that comes up when i move my mouse
onto the field.
So will this be yet *another* app. that is
mouse dependent? I despise those applications,
and feel for your (few, I imagine) users.
In any case, you might investigate JLayeredPane
as a way to commit this travesty on the user..
...or perhaps a JWindow.
One thing particularly irritates me about
'mouse over pop-up' elements is that to type
in them with an unobstructed view, I have to
remove the mouse, which often causes the damn
things to disappear again,
"Let's play peek-a-boo text entry!"
(Well, that and ever needing to reach for
the mouse in the first place.)
Personally I would prefer to see pop-up
text entry areas in a JOptionPane or JDialog,
then I have more (and more obvious) options
to 'commit changes/discard' the text area.
Andrew T.