Re: Browser back/forward button and Java Servlets

Joshua Cranmer <>
Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:43:38 GMT
John wrote:

Hi everybody,
for my web-application (it must currently work only under IE6) I have
a servlet that intercepts user's HTTP GET requests for a typical
search result page, which contains a paging mechanismus for navigating
between the result pages (e.g. << 1 2 3 4 5 ... >> ).

When the user clicks on this navigation, the JSP send a GET request to
a servlet wich does some buisiness logic - in particular it logs (with
log4j) how many times an user navigates between the several pages and
then sends the response back to the client with the next search
results page. Everything works fine.

BUT if the user hits the browser's back/forward buttons, the servlet
which contains the counter for the log file will be never called from
the JSP, and so the counter will not increase its value for the log-

I must handle this back/forward event (as well as, when the user
clicks the right mouse button to navigate the history - back or

I have no idea how to catch the event and calling the servlet for
incrementing the counter.... and the business sets me more and more
under pressure :-(

Does anybody has an idea, suggestion, or a link with an example?

Thank you very much for your suggestions :-)

I'm guessing that what's going in is that the browser is loading a
cached back page, so it goes back to the cached page and sends no
request to the servlet. If this is the case, then sending a simple AJAX
request using a window.onload handler to get the servlet to recognize
the back should be sufficient.

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