Re: Hox to match Linux PID to tomcat thread

Brandon McCombs <>
Thu, 19 Apr 2007 20:00:03 -0400
<4628029a$0$5756$> wrote:


On our production server (Suse Linux) we run a Tomcat server. From
time to time, our users tell us, that our web application is running

Starting the command "top" I see that one Tomcat-Process is running
consuming a lot of process time from the server. So I know the process
ID of the thread, but how can I match the PID to a Tomcat Thread?

Processes are not the same thing as threads. By using top you have the
process ID of the process that contains multiple threads for Tomcat. If
you kill that process all the threads go away. You may need to look into
how OSes work when you have some spare time after fixing this problem.
Without the tool mentioned by Thomas you won't be able to determine the
individual Tomcat thread identifiers (if there are any to begin with)
unless you wanted to hack the kernel to provide that information.

I have also tried to do a Java dump but I was not able to find the
according Tomcat Thread.

Is there a way to get the right Tomcat Thread from the process ID?

No because you don't have further information to go on to determine
which thread within that process is the one you want. The process
contains multiple threads and the process ID is just a number that only
matches up with the process, hence the name.

Or is there a way from within a Tomcat Thread to get its process ID?

I have searched in Google but I didn't found any answer to this
problem ...

Please Help, Thanks.

Thomas Konrath

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