Re: How to distribute Java Advanced Imaging as part of a custom installer

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:04:21 GMT
Dobedani wrote:

.. the customer now also wants an
offline installer for the Windows platform.

( javaws -import ?)

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am using that option in my script to
install my app. In addition, I tried to use that option to install the
JAI library, but it did not work. Did I do something wrong maybe? Have
you been successfull with it?

I have not yet tried importing simple apps., let alone
apps. that use extensions, but it is something I have
been meaning to try.

I *suspect* you might have to -import the extensions
in 'reverse order'. That is, if application 'a' uses extension
'b', then to import it, you would need to first -import the
extension 'b', then afterwards -import the 'a' application.

To provide more help, I would require more detailed
information on the JNLP files(s) and exact input and

Andrew Thompson

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