Re: generics and arrays and multi-class collections

Daniel Pitts <>
Mon, 01 Oct 2007 20:21:17 -0700
xen wrote:

Hey Daniel, thanks for the elaborate reply.

On 30 sep, 19:08, Daniel Pitts <> wrote:

I hope this makes sense to you, and that you find it helpful. I was
once like you, trying to make sure that my code was as optimized as
possible all the way through. I spent more time creating the
program, and the program usually ended up SLOWER and BUGGIER than when
I followed good OO design principals.

Yes it was helpful. It's not like I'm this performance oriented in
every application I write. It's just that this particular program is
very performance sensitive. I think I'm at an disadvantage already
because I use Java, although I tend to profit from the knowhow
embedded in methods such as BitMap.nextSetBit() and Long.bitCount()
and the clear data model.

I'm not against performance optimizations at all, I'm just saying you
should do it as a last step after you've created the "perfect" design
(perfect being relative). And you should only do it with the help of
profiling tools. In any case, it sounds like you're particular problem
needs optimization. Is there some form of time-limit?

Other than that, I'm simply not familiar
with the FreePascal environment and there's no way I'm gonna use C. I
don't like C ;). And Java is quite nice to program in.

grtz, xen.

Java is a lot of fun to program in :-). But whats wrong with C? You can
write really elegant programs in C if you know what you're doing. Gotta
love function pointers! :-)

Well, good luck on your bot competition.


P.S. Ever heard of AT-Robots? Its a robot simulation game where you pit
your robot against other programmers' robots.

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