Re: Byte code execution count

"Kenneth P. Turvey" <>
23 Oct 2007 17:29:03 GMT
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:31:38 -0400, Eric Sosman wrote:

    "Progress" is really an application-specific notion,
not a machine-provided commodity. The machine can only
run the program; it can't tell whether the program is
"doing something" or just sitting in a polling loop
waiting for something else. If you want to keep track
of "progress," I think you need to establish milestones
within the application itself and count them as they pass.

I guess I'm not really interested in progress as such.. more like expense.

I don't really care if the client code is spinning in a loop doing
nothing. If it is wasting my CPU time it counts. So what I'm really
trying to measure here is a sort of normalized CPU time. Ideally,
something like how many CPU seconds this command would spend on my
Inspiron 1420N would be a terrific measure.

I know that might be a bit too much to ask, so I'm looking for something I
can get. I understand your point though. The JIT compiler really would
completely mess this statistic up.

Any other ideas?

If the numbers came out +/- 30% that would probably be fine. I'm just
trying to get a rough measure.

Kenneth P. Turvey <>

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