Re: Is it possible to find out codebase value from JWS app?

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:50:05 GMT
Lionel wrote:

I'm wondering if it is possible to find out the codebase value from your
java application when using JWS?

Don't. Many apps. broke in Java 6 because the developers
had used hackich code to discover the codebase. The
end-user, or their sys-admin, (or sun,) can change the
cache location at will, and it is not our business to know
where it is.

If not, what is the best approach for the following problem.

I want to be able to look up a .exe, and download it from the install
server of the JWS app only on request by the user.

Manually download the .exe to a directory either
- specified by the user (for example using a
JFileChooser specifying directories only.)
- or if it is not of direct use to the user (to know where
it is) downlaod it to a sub-directory of user.home
(based on package name).

If it is necessary to store the path for future reference
(what is thing .exe? an installer?) you might look to
the JNLP API's PersistenceService. E.G.

I cannot see that changing the codebase, as you and
Daniel were discussing, could help with this problem.

Andrew Thompson

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