Re: java.util.Properties extending from HashMap<Object, Object> instead
of HashMap<String, String>
Zig wrote:
On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 10:15:12 -0400, Lew <> wrote:
You proposed that to be "compatible" with pre-1.0 days, Hashtable and
Dictionary would have to be implemented as having <Object, Object>
I made no such proposal: I merely followed your earlier line of
reasoning to an outcome that was inconsistent.
You said,
If your speculation was correct, then java.util.Hashtable and
java.util.Dictionary would also be required to be of type <Object,Object>.
I pointed out that that is not correct, because Hashtable and Dictionary are
parametrized and Properties is not. therefore there is no incsonsistency,
because the situations are not comparable.
At most it would have affected compile-time compatiblity.
Yes, that is the entire point. What is this "at most" stuff? That
*is* the point.
I admit this could be the reason. But it seems highly unlikely. Sun has
*never* guaranteed compile-time compatibility, and treats it only as a
nicety. If we return to the example:
It's sort of useless to speculate why Sun did that, since everyone over there
admits it was a mistake for Properties to inherit from Hashtable. I was
simply pointing out technical requirements that would flow from that original
misstep. I speculate that if Sun had thought those consequences through,
they'd have done it differently.
Object o="foo";
new Properties().put(o, "bar");
If properties were of type <String,String>, then this would generate a
compile time warning, letting the programmer know they've done something
in a way they are not supposed to. The source fix is completely trivial:
change the first line to:
String o="foo";
Given the simplicity of the code fix, plus the ability to compile using
"-source 1.4" until the source can be corrected, I would bet that Sun
would consider the benefit of additional error checking to outweigh the
inconvenience of source changes during the developer's transition to
Java 5. This would also have made the put & putAll methods generate
warnings when adding non-Strings, re-enforcing the discouraged practice
of putting raw objects into these methods, which would have been a good
Sun didn't want to force people to use that flag. What if you wanted to use
Properties and, say, enums in the same code?
As for the benefit of additional error checking, that would not be present in
"-source 1.4" since you'd suppress the use of generics that way.
Leaving no choice but <Object, Object>. That *is* the technical equivalent of
the pre-generic class.
Actually, you show a way to abuse Properties. You aren't supposed to
use 'put()':
the put and putAll methods can be applied to a Properties object.
Their use is strongly discouraged
You are spot-on here. As I was thinking about the more likely reason for
Sun to do this, I came across something to point out.
Everyone already knows why Sun did this - they made a mistake deriving
Properties from Hashtable way back, then the introduction of generics forced
them to derive from the closest equivalent parametrization of Hashtable, that
being <Object, Object>.
Properties has a subclass within the JDK: But look at the example
usage of
Ooooops. Sun violated their own convention, and used put instead of
setProperty. Shame on them: I should probably file that.
You have a gift for using Sun's mistakes and trying to prove points based on
them. Provider has the same lack of relationship to Properties as Properties
does to Hashtable. You cannot make conclusions about how to use Provider
based on Properties' documentation, and you cannot make conclusions about
Properties based on Hashtable's documentation.
Let's say a Java 1.4 developer copied the above code snippet. They may
have carefully read the documentation for the Provider class, but not
realized that the documentation in Properties makes use of non-string
elements discouraged. In their initialization block, they simply write:
put("Signature.SHA1withDSA KeySize", new Integer(1024));
Irrelevant. Besides, they wouldn't even use Provider, since the documentation
there tells us:
The service type Provider is reserved for use by the security framework.
We're not supposed to use it. So once again you are trying to make a point
with an idiom that is either forbidden or strongly discouraged in Java.
They hook in their provider, write their application, and since they
don't use the load/store methods, everything runs just fine & dandy.
Again from the Provider Javadocs:
Services of this type cannot be added, removed, or modified by applications.
Please read the Javadocs.
Now suppose Sun updates Properties to be of type <String,String>. The
Never going to happen. It's not the matching type to the raw type, i.e., the
only type available prior to generics.
Anyway, it's obvious that one "put" method performs either up-casting or
down-casting, and then acts as a bridge to the other. But, I can't find
No casting involved - generics are compile-time only.
Key point: This implies that it is valid for javac to create an
implementation of put(Object,Object) that casts it's [sic] parameters to
Strings, and then acts as a bridge to put(String,String).
Generic types are not reified - so that cannot happen. javac cannot create
either an <Object, Object> or a <String, String> version, and the parameters
are never cast - the raw type accepts Objects only.
Since the Provider class does override put, if Properties were changed
to <String,String>, then the put method in Provider would have to change
signature to put(String,String) - I think this changes my "key point"
from a possibility to a probability.
It's impossible for the reasons stated - there is no run-time parametric
typing nor is casting involved, so your "key point" is never going to happen.
Note that if Properties was declared <String, String>, it would break
Provider, which is not.
Now, Sun then publishes the JRE, and Properties.put(Object,Object) now
casts it's parameters to Strings, and in turn calls put(String,String),
since this is now legal.
Nope - no casting involved. The arguments to put are always Objects. In
HashMap, too.
Our end user then upgrades their JRE. Whoops. Suddenly, their app
written by the Java 1.4 developer now fails: it throws some
ClassCastExceptions and never runs. The end user switches back to Java
1.4 and everything runs fine again - maybe they can get an upgraded
version from their developer, but they could just chalk it up as a Java
You just presented an argument against making Properties inherit Hashtable
<String, String>.
Now this outcome strikes me as just the kind of deadly scenario Sun
rigorously trys to avoid. Since Sun does try to ensure runtime
compatibility such that a compiled binary will run on a newer JVM, this
condition would probably constitute a Java bug.
Except that it would be compile-time only. Luckily, Properties inherits
Hashtable <Object, Object>, so that scenario won't occur at compile time, either.
So, please allow me to summarize the reasons that we've come up with so
* potential for runtime incompatibility when users put non-String
entries into a Properties
Nope. No run-time incompatibility issues either way. Since users aren't even
supposed to put non-String objects in Properties, that could not have been a
factor in the decision to make Properties inherit the <Object, Object> form.
* compile-time incompatibility when users use the discouraged methods
put and putAll, even to store Strings
whilst breaking the formal equivalence and the Provider class. Currently
there is no compile-time incompatibility.
* pre-generics classes may be generified with an unbounded type, or with
the bounded type Object, and not with any other bounded type
* making Properties expose Map methods was a mistake, which Sun is
attempting to discourage
* Sun dropped the ball
Also true.
I've ranked those in order of what strikes me as most probable reasons
for Sun to choose to make Properties extend <Object,Object>.
None of them. They did it because that is the only formally equivalent type
to the raw Hashtable type.
If I have mis-interpretted your earlier posts, or if you have any other
thoughts, I trust you'll respond!
I don't know if you misinterpreted my posts, but you've misinterpreted how
generics work, since they don't pertain to run time, and how to use Properties
and Provider.