Re: Do I need Tomcat and Apache ?
sl@my-rialto wrote:
What is the best setup in real-life/production environment ?
That is a difficult question to answer because it depends on what the
real-life production system needs to do.
By analogy, consider the question, "What is the best dessert?" You
have to consider what meal you're having - lunch? dinner? late-night
aperitif? What is being served for the main course(s)? Red meat?
Poultry? Vegetarian? Do you need to keep kosher? Are you serving
folks with special dietary needs, such as diabetics or people with
food allergies, such as to chocolate or peanuts? Is it a formal,
seven-course dinner with diplomats and movie stars in attendance, or a
casual gathering to watch football? Will there be alcoholic
beverages? How well can you cook? What is your budget? How many
people will be in attendance? Do you have room in your refrigerator,
or even an operational refrigerator? Do you even own a cr=E8me br=FBl=E9e
There is a similar panoply of considerations in deciding on the "best"
application server. Without identification of and answers for those
considerations, it's impossible to say.